Friday, September 24, 2004

Foodism in Montreal

When I first looked at this wall in a Montreal’s old building, as a Portuguese I was guessing what FOODISM could have meant in Portuguese. At that time, it did sound like something related to exaggerating f***… It was just my imagination stimulated perhaps by this electrical attractive colour of the wall.
Back home, I did some research and actually found out that foodism is in fact:

Raw foodism is, after all, an ism. It's a belief system based on the idea that people should eat like our prehistoric ancestors (or other animals), with assumptions made about how our prehistoric ancestors actually ate, how healthy they were, how long they lived, and how relevant other animals' diets are to our own.

Oh well, its not what my mind was thinking but it is also very Montreal.
A bit to serious for me but I still like the wall color and here it is, another shot of what Montreal has to offer you!

And now if you excuse me, I need a break and will go to Uncle Sam’s territory to catch up with some sun of what is left from the north hemisphere warm days.
I will be back on October 7th.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

A Town House in Montreal

Aproveitando a viagem a Montreal e a proposito de um post publicado pelo Mimalho em Abril 2004, mostrando um modelo 3D de uma casa, concebida pelo arquitecto MESSANA O´RORKE, o modelo da casa fez-me pensar numa casa que conheco em Montreal e prometi ao Mimalho que lha mostrava.
Pois bem aqui esta’:


Casa existente em Montreal:

havera’ coincidencias?

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Montreal – A life celebration experience

The architecture, the language and the art scene makes Montreal a true mix of Paris and New York. This city gives you a feeling of the old Europe and the modern America all in one.
French and English are the official languages but you can listen to almost every language in this cosmopolitan metropolis. There were times when there was tensions between the languages, times where French speakers were powerless and had no say, times were English speakers were not allowed to express them selves in their language, times of division.
Today Montreal is perhaps the best example of Canada, a true bilingual city were both languages often get merged “ ‘a la’ Montrealais ”!
Montreal is an island in the middle of Saint Lawrence river. The heart of Montreal is the Mount Royal - the equivalent of Central Park in New York - where every Sunday during the summer, you can experience a replica of Woodstock festival, locally designated by the Tam-Tam’s. The Tam-Tam’s is a weekly celebration of music, life, color, art, peace and unity among the diverse cultures that live in this city. People gather to voluntarily play music and dance providing an amazing show where everybody can participate.
Montrealers celebrate life at its full extent; they are generally easygoing people a great concern for respect of human kind and its diversity and for the world environment protection. I like to call them green socialists.
Montrealers stimulate and promote individuality and harmony among the generated diversity It is perhaps the best example of a society where individuals are respected for whatever they are, regardless they ethnic background, education level, personal style, sexual orientation, religious believes, etc…
The fashion and trends in Montreal, are up to each one’s style, so sitting at a terrace sipping your beer or coffee and people watching can be a very pleasant experience
Montreal is also a city of festivals: The Jazz Festival, Just For Laugh, Cinema Festivals, Clubbing Festivals, Diversity Festival, etc, etc…
There is only one thing that I don’t like about Montreal, it’s the long and freezing winters. But then again, this winter plays an important role in Montrealers life style. It’s the time of the year where people tend to stay more at home, updating them selves and catching up with friends, recharging energies before the next eclectic summer!
Montreal is where I grew up, a unique city in North America, full of beautiful people that grab life to its limits and respecting others.
Bienvenue a Montreal / Welcome to Montreal!

Down Town Montreal seen from the top of Mount Royal, by night - July 04

Montreal's Relaxed Old Europe Feeling - July 04

Montreal's Old Architecture - July 04

Montreal's Modern Architecture - July 04

Montreal 25the Jazz Festival - July 04