Friday, May 21, 2004

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Your world is the mirror of yourself / O teu mundo e' o espelho de ti

¿Has notado que cuando te sientes bien contigo mismo las demás personas se tornan agradables? ¿No te parece fascinante el cambio de actitud? El mundo es un reflejo de nosotros mismos. Si nos aborrecemos, también aborreceremos a los demás. Cuando nos encanta ser quienes somos, todo el mundo nos resulta maravilloso. Nuestra propia imagen es la guía que determina exactamente cómo habremos de comportarnos, con quiénes nos relacionaremos, qué cosas intentaremos y qué otras evitaremos; cada uno de nuestros pensamientos y acciones derivan de la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos.
Andrew Matthews

Sent by my beautiful friend who has a beautiful soul, Ane Mari Aakernes.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Earthquake in Southern Taiwan

The earth is still shaking as I type this post; they call it after shocks.
Just went trough an earthquake, which the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau rated it as a 6.5 in the Richter scale.
It went on shaking the building for a good 20 to 30 seconds, its epicenter was located in the southeast of Taiwan, off the shore of Taitung city.
This one is the 13th eartquake felt in Taiwan since 01 May 2004, with an intensity greater than 4.0 of the Richter scale.

Banyan Tree

Se tivesse que eleger a minha arvore preferida, seria esta enormissima “banyan tree” que mora no campus da "National Cheng Kung University" na cidade de Tainan, antiga capital da Formosa situada ao sul da ilha.

If I had to elect my preferred tree, it would be this enormous banyan tree, which lives at the National Cheng Kung University's campus, located in the city of Tainan, the ancient capital of Taiwan located in the southern Taiwan.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Foguetes antes da festa...

Aqui na Formosa, enquanto se contam os votos (ou pelo menos contam que contam), preparam-se grandes festejos para a tomada de posse do candidato que conta ganhar!

A seguranca e’ intensificada, como se se estivesse ‘a espera de alguem protestar a tomada de posse sem se saber os rsultados da recontagem. Afinal a diferenca de votos entre os dois candiadatos foi irrisoria.

Entretanto a maquina da propaganda continua a funcionar, preparando tudo o que pode para poder promover este grande acontecimento “democratico”. Ora vejamos o cracha’ aqui ao lado, com a fotografia do presidente sobre um fundo ocupado igualmente pela bandeira de Taiwan e pela bandeira do seu partido politico.

Afinal este presidente e’ e como mostra, sera’ o presidente dos que forem militantes do seu partido. E eu a pensar que um presidente nao deveria mostrar preferencias politicas (pelo menos ‘a discarada).

Para completar o arraial, e violar mais o protocolo democratico, a empresa de Tabacos e Alcool, lanca um novo conhaque (ou coisa do genero) com a fotografia do tal presidente e vice presidente e as suas respectivas assinaturas. Isto so’ mesmo onde e’!

Super Typhoon "NIDA" opens 2004 typhoon season in South-East Asia

The 2004 typhoon season is officially here and was launched with a super-typhoon, Nida.
Fortunately, Nida is forecast to divert its route away from Taiwan. After passing through the Luzon strait, it will move north avoiding Taiwan. It will gradually turn towards north-east, avoiding Taiwan and hopefully South-Korea and Japan.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Cacaoccino chega ao sul de Taiwan

Este fim de semana, passeando pelas ruas de Tainan, a velha capital de Taiwan do sec.XVII, parei num Cafe, bem simpatico, "Machiato".
Neste espaco promove-se arte, fotografia e leitura ao som de musica "chill out".
Pedi mais um cafe latte, e mais uma vez la me apareceu as cacaoccin@s.
De salientar o mote do espaco:
"At home or at work, from being young to growing old, nothing goes better with life than coffee. No one can resist the obsession..."

WHO says NO to Taiwan

Lin Shih-chia, left, executive director of the Medical Professionals Alliance, and DPP Legislator Chien Chao-tung show the T-shirts that members of their delegation to Geneva will wear and the brochures they will distribute.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has banned Taiwanese journalists from its annual summit in Geneva.
Authorities overseeing press accreditation for the World Health Assembly (WHA) confirmed yesterday that journalists holding Taiwanese passports would not be permitted to enter the assembly building.

Fuji fun comes to Taipei

Members of a cultural group from Fiji perform a warrior dance during a press conference organized by Taipei City's Indigenous Peoples Commission yesterday promoting a cultural event introducing a variety of indigenous cultures. The festival will be held in Ta-an Park on Saturday night.

While they count votes....

Students from the National Taiwan Junior College of Performing Arts form a human chain at a press conference yesterday at the Presidential Office. The students were promoting the entertainment that will be on show during next Thursday's presidential inauguration.

20387, 20388, 20390, 20391, 20393....

Officials recount ballots from the disputed presidential election yesterday at the Taoyuan Dome in Taoyuan County. The recount is expected to be completed before the presidential inauguration on May 20.

Legal representatives from both the DPP and the KMT-PFP alliance watch over the ballot papers in Miaoli County's domed stadium on the second day of the presidential ballot recount.

Human error caused 14,300 controversial ballots.
A total of 16 groups of legal representatives from both the blue and the green camps yesterday participate in the presidential ballot recount in Miaoli County's domed stadium.


Lazio players and coaches after winning the Italian Cup in Turin, Wednesday, 14 May 2004. Lazio lifted their fourth Italian Cup following a 2-2 draw at Juventus in the second leg.

Serena Williams battles Maria Sanchez-Lorenzo at the Italian Masters in Rome, Tuesday, 11 May 2004, Williams won 7-5, 6-3.

Pak Se-ri of South Korea reacts to her winning putt on the 18th green in Williamsburg on Sunday, 9/05/04..

Italian Alessandro Petacchi, left, celebrates after crossing the finish line flanked by German Olaf Pollock, right.

Michael Schumacher of Germany raises his arm as he wins the Spanish Grand Prix at the Montmelo circuit on the outskirts of Barcelona on Sunday, 14/05/04.

The Canadian ice hockey players wave to spectators after the Canadian national anthem and trophy ceremony of the Ice Hockey World Championship in Prague. Canada defeated Sweden 5-3 in the final to win the championship.

Valencia players celebrate in the showers after winning the Spanish League.