O ano passado foi lancado em Taiwan,um servico dum comboio privado para turistas, destinado a excursoes 'a volta da ilha de Taiwan.
Este servico foi lancado pelo governo de Taiwan atraves da CP daui (empresa do estado) com o monopolio de vendas de bilhetes dado a esta empresa:
EZ Travel (easy, my....!)
Quando em Outubro passado quis saber dos precos para uma eventual aquisicao de bilhetes, deparei-me com o website deste grande e unico operador turistico, completamente em chines.
Fiz uma queixa ao ministerio de turismo, para os alertar para a situacao:
Dear Sir / Madam
I am quite disappointed to verify that Taiwan does little to promote itself overseas. The tourism industry targets Chinese speakers only because your inability to promote Taiwan in a bilingual mode (Chinese and English) as many countries in the region do.
Taiwan has great potential for a huge international tourism industry, however this is not happening.
Hong Kong has far less tourist attractions but is much more successful in attracting tourists.
Why does not the Taiwanese Authorities think about this problem. Don't you want to promote Taiwan in the world?
Don't you want the world to know about Taiwan and come here?
One sad example is the launching of your service "FORMOSA STAR". I could not believe that there is NO information in English.
Let me ask you this question and I really hope you will take your time to e-mail me your reply:
Is the service/ package "FORMOSA STAR" open to foreigners?
If yes, do you realize that 99.99% of foreigners do not speak or read Chinese.
I would appreciate if you give me your feedback.
os senhores do ministerio responderam-me assim:
"Dear Mr.N
Thank you very much your e-mail dated November 9, 2004. We depend on feedback such as yours, to help us further improve Taiwan¡¦s attraction as a tourist destination. In fact, we publish many English brochures to introduce Taiwan and distribute such material through our offices abroad. We are also working with other government agencies to create a fully bilingual environment for foreign visitors. Indeed, there is much still to be done.
With regards to the "Formosa Star" forward is, we will forward your recommendation to the Taiwan Railway Administration, which is in charge of this service. We will also provide English brochures on the "Formosa Star" in order to better serve foreign visitors.
If you have further request or questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us again.
Sincerely yours,
International Affairs Division
Tourism Bureau"
entretanto, como resultado desta troca de e-mails, fiquei contente por (apesar de nao ser habitual aqui) terem posto um link com uma apresentacao em ingles:
Formosa Star
No entanto continua a nao ser possivel, para quem nao saiba ler em chines, ter acesso a esta pagina a partir da
"home page" do operador, EZ Travel. Assim mesmo que se adivinhe o acesso a esta pagina, se se quiser comprar o servico, nao existe qualquer informacao em ingles de como o fazer!!!
Mas eu nao desisto facilmente acabei por conseguir obter o e-mail das reservas e la fiz o pedido:
11 Jan. 05
eu para eles: "Dear Sir, I would like to ask you how can I make a reservation for 3 adults on the Supreme 4 Days Cross Island Tour on the Formosa Star, as following..."
eles para mim: ... nada de resposta ou confirmacao
14 Jan. 05
eu para eles: "Dear Sir/Madam, I have requested a booking for the Formosa Star as per my e-mail below on 11 Jan05 and so far I have not received anyfeedback from your
eles para mim: ... nada de resposta ou confirmacao
17 Jan. 05
eu para eles: "What's wrong with your company? Why don't you even give a reply to your customers? Please just answer if you are interested in serving foreigners or NOT!"
finalmente eles para mim:
"Dear N, I am so sorry. I know there are 3 people want to join tour on the Formosa Star but we don't have saturday open's Formosa Star, only 3 day. When February,I can do that."
eu para eles: "Kevin, I'm shoked by the lack of professionalism that your company shows me by either ignoring my previous e-mails or not dealing with my request, even after i called and explained you my frustration. I dont undertsnad what you mean with "we don't have saturday open's ". I am still waiting for you to call me as you promissed. Thank you"
18 Jan. 05
eles para mim: "Dear Sir,Thank you for calling ezTravel. Please fill out the form and send it back to me as soon as possible to complete your reservation.If there's any other questions, you can contact me anytime. Best Regards,"
24 Jan. 05
eu para eles: "Kevin, Please find enclosed the request for my booking for 3 adults on the Supreme 4 Days Cross Island Tour on the Formosa Star, as following..."
eles para mim: "Dear Nick, Thank you the incoming letter, I already invited the appliation form which the service personnel (extension telephone 258CHEN) was you processes transmits, obstructs has not opened April on the present homepage the travelling schedule, after waited the opening to meet the first time to reply you, respectfully wished safely. Best Regards"
eu para eles: "Dear Kevin, Please confirm to me the dates that I booked, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, as my parents are coming from Portugal to Taiwan on these dates and they need to book there airline ticket. I am sorry to tell you that I am not very impressed to know that we cannot plan ahead with eztravel. You sure are not giving me a very professional image of eztravel! Best Regards"
e finalmente como resposta, ontem (27 Jan. 05) recebo o tal e-mail que publiquei na integra
Pessimo Servico?!
Barreiras Culturais?!
Visoes Limitadas?!
Eu acho que e' um pouco de cada.
Eu sei que ja' eram horas de eu ler, escrever e falar bem o Chines!
Tambem sei que podia pedir alguem para me fazer a reserva!
Mas sinto que devo contribuir para que algo melhor e que haja progresso, pois sei que e' isso que eles querem mas nem sempre o sabem fazer!
Com um pouco mais de paciencia hei-de meter os meus pais naquele comboio, ai hei-de hei-de, nem que seja sem reserva!
depois conto-vos o fim desta saga!!!!!!!!!!