Friday, September 17, 2004

Drowning Formosa

This summer has been particularly wet in Taiwan.
Formosa Island has been stricken by typhoons and heavy rain storms.
I am starting to wonder what happened to the beautiful sunny weather reputation of southern Taiwan.
If it doesn’t stop soon, we will be moving around by boat, only!

Photo: Sean Chao, Taipei Times
Three cars immersed in water next to the No. 5 Floodgate on Taipei's Fuyuan Street beside the Keelung River are barely visible after a night of torrential rain. The sign on the left of the picture reads ``No swimming.''

Photo: Taipei Times
Scene from Keelung, following flooding from the weekend's heavy rains.

Photo: Taipei Times
Scene from Keelung yesterday.

Photo: Taipei Times
A road in Taoyuan County that had already been damaged by Typhoon Aere was washed away by heavy rains in the last two days, along with a vehicle marooned on it.

Photo: Liberty Times
The Keelung River rises above the warning level, almost overflowing the Chang-An Bridge in Hsihchih.

Photo: Liberty Times
A boy stands on the only dry section of the grounds of Cheng-yi Elementary School in Sanchung City.

Photo: Sean Chao, Taipei Times
TV crew films water spewing out from the MRT construction site in Neihu.

Photo: Sean Chao, Taipei Times
A car is lifted by a crane at the No. 5 evacuating gate in Taipei. Car owners had hired the crane to remove their vehicles from the site.

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