Wednesday, January 19, 2005

2046 is...

...also the last projected year that Hong Kong will remain a semi-autonomous entity, before being fully reunited with China - and by making Hong Kong's 1966 riots and 1967 curfews (both in response to China's Cultural Revolution) form the background to his human dramas, Kar-Wai uses the history of these two separated states to underscore his multiple tales of parted lovers, suggesting, through this marriage of the personal and the political, that the future - both Chow's and Hong Kong's - will always be haunted by the past, even if nothing can ever be like it was before.

Nada me faz lembrar mais uma cidade do futuro como Hong Kong.
Do outro lado do mar, avisto a ilha de Hong Kong, vestida de noite e especialmente para a ocasiao, como sempre vaidosamente insiste fazer.
Nao consigo sequer imaginar, quao diferente esta vista sera' em 2046(*), pois hoje ja me faz sentir que estou no futuro.

"It was said that in 2046, nothing ever changed. Nobody knew for sure if it was true, because nobody who went there had ever come back- except for one. He was there. He chose to leave. He wanted to change."
from the movie "2046" directed by Wong Kar-wai.

I was there. I chose to leave. I wanted a change.

(*) 2046 - ano em que perdera' o estatuto de "Região Administrativa Especial" e passa a ser uma cidade como outra qualquer da Republica Popular da China.

Hong Kong Island - Dec.2004

Hong Kong Island - Dec.2004

Hong Kong Island - Dec.2004

Hong Kong Island - Dec.2004

Vestigios do Passado - Clock Tower
Tsim Tsa Tsui - Kowloon - Hong Kong - Dec.2004

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