Monday, March 28, 2005

Marcha da Paz - Taiwan 26 Março

Sabado dia 26 de Marco, marcharam na ilha de Tawian mais de um milhao de pessoas para protestar a recente lei de "Anti Secessao", aprovada em Pequim, que legaliza um eventual ataque militar da China a Taiwan, caso esta ilha proclame independencia.

photo: Fang Pin-Chao, Taipei Times
Demonstrators from across the country participate in yesterday's March for Democracy and Peace to Protect Taiwan, organized to protest China's ``Anti-Secession'' Law, gather at Ketagelan Boulevard.
"Around 1 million people, led by political leaders including President Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), former President Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) and Premier Frank Hsieh (謝長廷), yesterday took to the streets of Taipei to protest China's "Anti-Secession" Law, which sanctions the use of "non-peaceful means" against Taiwan."

A participant in yesterday's demonstration, reportedly Taipei City's largest ever, wears a mask over her mouth to show that she says ``No'' to China.
photo: Chiang Ying-Yang, Taipei Times

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