Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Regresso a AliShan - the Tsou land

Sabe bem regressar onde um dia se sentiu magia.
Ali Shan (Montanhas Ali) uma cadeia de montanhas no coracao de Taiwan, territorio da ainda existente tribo nativa desta ilha, os Tsou, e’ hoje uma regiao que nos atrai pela sua beleza natural, nomeadamente uma floresta com arvores milenares, o nascer do sol por detraz das montanhas sobre um mar de nuvens e particularmente nesta epoca do ano, a magnifica explosao cerejeiras em flor.

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Tzou People Singing, one of the 10 tribes natives of Taiwan - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Tzou People, one of the 10 tribes natives of Taiwan - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Cherry Blossoms - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Cherry Blossoms - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Cherry Blossoms - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Below the Clouds - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Above the Clouds - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Before the Sun Rise - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Description of a 2000 year old tree - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Alive 2000 year old tree - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

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Recently dead 3300 year old tree - Ali Shan, Taiwan, 27 Mar.2005

Reportagem de Marco2004 aqui.

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