Monday, August 01, 2005

Tripping in Ilha dos Pescadores - Part VI - Chimei Island (Seven Beauties)

Termino hoje a serie de posts sobre arquepelago das Ilhas dos Pescadores. Termino com a visita 'a ilhota Chimei (a das setes belezas).
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Double Heart - Chimei Island - Jun.2005

Uma ilhota carregada de lendas exoticas e amorosas, onde o amor, as suas causas e as suas consequencias sao proclamados!

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A solo swim in double hearts - Chimei Island - Jun.2005

The southernmost island of the Penghu Archipelago is Chimei island (...) It was named after seven local beauties who, according to legend, killed themselves by jumping into a well rather than lose their chastity to marauding pirates. The site of the well is now revered as the tomb of the seven.

Durantes este fim de semana nas Ilhas dos Pescadores...

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por instantes o tempo parou

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e a natureza estagnou

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mas foi tudo por instantes, na realidade o tempo nao espera, nao nos deixa ficar parados e tivemos de partir

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num barco carregado de memorias das ilhas dos Pescadores.

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